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First work of the Alef Series - Bet

New circus, baroque fantasy and mysticism (2019)


"In a room suspended in the mist of light and darkness, appear within a dream of volatile mirrors, presences that transport" Aleph "towards" the path of the madman ", a journey of initiation into a reality imagined by the great creative mind, by the great master of ceremony of a very ancient circus in which it all began. In the black belly of deep sleep a Universe of light will be gestating from which all the forces of creation will emerge ... a fortune teller, strange phenomena, celestial stars and human animals will accompany with extraordinary acrobatics, flights and juggling, the carnival that will lead Aleph to discover his deepest secrets ".


Habitación escondida
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Trailer "Habitación escondida A"

Trailer "Habitación escondida A"

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Habitación Escondida A (2019). Compañía Dospuntos Circo. Residencia de creación

Habitación Escondida A (2019). Compañía Dospuntos Circo. Residencia de creación

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Habitación Escondida A (2019). Compañía Dospuntos Circo / Nota Canal Capital

Habitación Escondida A (2019). Compañía Dospuntos Circo / Nota Canal Capital

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First of a series of 22 new circus works inspired by the magical and hidden world of the Major Arcana of the Rider Waite Tarot and the sacred letters of the alefato that correspond to each letter (Hebrew sacred alphabet). Hidden room A is inspired by the wisdom of the first letter of the alefato, “Aleph”, whose associated letter is “0. The madman ", related to the beginning of all things and the pure Consciousness of Being.


The play takes place in a room where "Aleph" falls deeply asleep and dreams that he is taking a trip to the newly created world of matter, to the "valley of experimentation", where he materializes to have an initiatory experience in which creation lives of the Universe, as well as the discovery of his internal universe and the fight with his greatest secrets and fears.


In this "room" (which is at the same time your mind represented by an ancient circus), you will live a dreamlike experience surrounded by mystical, mysterious and fantastic characters related to creation, archetypes and the major arcana of the Tarot. These characters, full of hidden truths and enigmatic mysteries (master of ceremony, the dark woman, the bearded woman, the circus star, the fortune teller, the snake charmer, the animals), will lead the story through the events of the creative mind. of a dreamed universe through dance movements, acrobatics, flights, juggling, humor and music.


Production: Company Dospuntos Circo

Genre: new circus

Duration: 70 minutes

Original idea, dramaturgy and direction: Andrea Paola Martínez

Technical direction, audiovisual and sound production: Camilo Jiménez

Artists on stage: 7
Circus techniques: capillary suspension, floor acrobatics, hand-to-hand carriage, shoulder, vertical, contortion, aerial acrobatics, Chinese pole, juggling, whip

Public: over 10 years old

Circulation format: mixed (face-to-face and audiovisual), room or street

Support: V Residences of investigation and circus of the window artistic productions, Colombia. Vertigo fitness art, Bogotá. Cassetto visual arts, Colombia.

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