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Vorteks Festival

Vorteks Festival
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Vorteks Festival
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Trailer "I Vorteks, 2020"
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El Jardín. Corto del "EGS.zs8 1Lab" (2020). Compañía Dospuntos Circo.
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The I VORTEKS version, carried out in July and August 2020, emphasized the exploration and interplay between the circus, the performing arts and the audiovisual arts as an interdisciplinary path for the continuity of the performing work in times of confinement. Its circulation format was digital and online.The programming included, talks, workshops, shows and musical encounters, some with free access and others with financial support.

Digital shows: Artistic pieces were presented in premiere, in a line that we call “audiovisual performing arts”; a style that fuses the performing arts and audiovisual language, offering creations with a committed artistic, technical and production level, enabling the public to have a digital, visual quality experience both in content and presentation. During this season, 15 artistic pieces from Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico, Italy and France were premiered in 2 digital shows: " Viborera " and " Morada " .

"The proposals found the performing arts, the circus and the audiovisual language to take the viewer on a path to the deepest part of himself, where his delusions, desires, fears, fantasies, drives, attractions and repulsions dwell. They are the floral and winding paths to the "unknown home" that each one of us inhabits. Pieces made in times of quarantine and at home "

Additionally, a training component was offered in the form of talks and intensive workshops that delved into topics related to scenic creation, audiovisual, dramaturgy, new formats, etc. The "Creation workshop with one myself" with Micaela Pane, Argentina; the "Workshop on expressiveness, creation and manipulation of objects" with Emerson Noise, Brazil; "Master class of mat chinoise" with Camilo Jiménez, Colombia; "Balance workshop through yoga" with Andrea Paola Martínez, Colombia; "Workshop: what is a dossier?" with Compañía Dospuntos Circo, Colombia. And the talks "The audiovisual scenic creation" with Julio Yánez and Juan David Padilla; "Creation and dramaturgy" with several invited artists.


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