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Logo Compañía Dospuntos Circo

Chapter 3: A Path of Light

"Only those who have dared to experiment in the Temple of Self, become free Emperors of their own Kingdom"



Note: this is a work in progress that will be formally released in June 2021 in audiovisual and face-to-face format.

Episode 2:  Death

Chapter 2. In the journey of remembrances through a dark past that haunts us, we discover that the only possible way is to go through the heart again, to die, and to be able to continue walking, becoming the new natives of a territory that flourishes, thus as our Consciousness.

WE HOPE YOU ENJOYED SUAZ AMISQUA (SUNSET) !!. If you liked this work and want to collaborate so that this and other projects of the Company can continue to be carried out and shared, you can make your donations and contributions to NEQUI and DAVIPLATA: 3507269557 (in Colombia) and to  (abroad). We appreciate your contributions!

Para evaluar el impacto de esta actividad por favor ayúdanos diligenciando el formato de asistencia y la encuesta de satisfacción, es importante para nosotros! Muchas gracias!

ESPERAMOS QUE HAYAS DISFRUTADO DE SUAZ AMISQUA (PUESTA DE SOL)!!. Si te gustó este trabajo y quieres colaborar para que este y otros proyectos de la Compañía puedan seguir realizándose y compartiéndose, puedes hacer tus donaciones y aportes al NEQUI y DAVIPLATA: 3507269557 (en Colombia) y a (en el extranjero). Agradecemos tus aportes!

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