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Chapter II of the Nyia Triptych

New circus, Colombian folklore and fabrics


"Extracts of memories diluted in tissues. Colors that degrade, like our skin in time. Immutable essence that trembles deep down".



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"Degradé" is the second chapter of the "Nyia Triptych" (gold), a series of new circus works that take a trip to the internal universe called "Colombia" inhabited by creative artists. The trilogy, made up of "Fihizhká", "Degradé" and "Black Emerald" takes place in a timeline that begins in the year 1,500 before the conquest of America and progresses to 2,300 of its speculations; With this, we want to remember, feel and draw a metaphorical imaginary mutant of Colombia felt by the collective heart of its people.


"Degradé", referring to the years 1,800 to 2,000, is a work of a new circus, dance, physical theater and popular music that, through a progression of colors and clothing in great quantity, makes a poetic, tragic and joyous journey through memories impregnated from Colombia; town built by the miscegenation of skins, rhythms and cultures and that in its heart has been treasuring a multidimensional universe of symbols, images and folk icons that "Degradé" draws with a dreamlike and acrobatic circus style.


The artists unweave their personal stories, to spin others, colored by the colors, images, emotions and symbols of the collective Unconscious of their Colombian native land. And so, "Degradé" is made up of different fragments that are spun through the evolution of iconic characters that are constructed in the movement of fabrics and clothing in space and time. Just as the colors change from light to dark inside the work, it goes through places that go from the mystical, bucolic and romantic to the erotic, tragic, violent and carnival. The universe of "Degradé" is being destroyed, degrading as we go deeper into the darkest of our memories.


The game with fabrics is a metaphor for the multiplicity of skins that make up the internal and cultural universe of artists, mutating and interweaving, as well as what is decanted behind the skins: the true essence, the timeless, the a- spatial, the invariable.


Authors and interpreters:

Andrea Paola Martínez and Camilo Jiménez

Production: Company dospuntos circo

Genre: contemporary circus

Writing: Andrea Paola Martínez

Audiovisual production: Camilo Jiménez, Cassetto visual arts

Duration: 1'05 ''

Audience: over 8

Circus techniques: acrodance, carriage, verticalism, aerial acrobatics in hoop and harness, Chinese pole, juggling

Other techniques: dance, beat box, physical theater, components of Colombian folklore

Project supported by: Ministry of Culture, Colombia; Idartes and Mayor's Office of Bogotá (CO). Fondazione Cirko Vertigo, The House of Contemporary Circus, Mibac, Piemonte Region, Café Muller Theater in Italy (IT). Espace Catastrophe of Belgium (BE).

Dramaturgy consultancy: Juliana Reyes (L'explose), Verónica Cappozoli (Lapso cirk)

Art design consultancy: Philippe Legler (Escuela taller de Colombia)

"Degradé are the trips through multicolored landscapes, the waves of the sea, all the temperatures in a single mountain, the mountain range, the smell of fruits and wet earth, the color of the festivities of the peoples of our ancestors, fear in the streets of the capital, the political passion, the queens, the war, the joy of the people, the sunsets with the smell of burning wood, the nostalgic music, the brandy, the family, the home ... and everything we leave when we emigrate. .. "


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